20 August 2011

unfinished buisness

In my last post all about my holidays there was so much to say that I missed out the odd detail! Firstly I forgot to show you my favourite outfit of the holiday.....

Turn your heads everyone!!!

This outfit came about my complete luck, I have to admit! The rule at the resteraunt we were going to was no shorts or jeans! I know! So I picked the only 'not-too-beachy' skirt I had with me, a matching top and some stripy socks to make it slightly more 'me!'

The only other thing I missed out was this....me and my dad became a bit obsessed with a cute dog we saw on our travels! He was surprisingly photogenic! (The dog not my dad!)

Or not......

We tried to take a picture looking down at the dog but he was a bit too excitable!

Please Comment! On Anything!

1 comment:

  1. I'm noy surprised you were obsessed with that dog, it's soooooooooo cute!! Oh, and I love the outfit you wore for your trip to the 'no jeans or shorts' restaurant!


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